Our Genesis

Despite the advent of newer modern medicines, there has been a global epidemic of diet-related chronic diseases where half of the population develops a diet-related chronic disease responsible for the leading causes of death like heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis with 1 in every 5 deaths attributable to suboptimal diet & nutrition

Seeking to end all forms of malnutrition, the UN General Assembly in April 2016, proclaimed the decade of 2016-25 as The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition. Around that time, our founder Shri Satya Dev Tiwari, working for a leading Pharmaceutical MNC in a global commercial leadership role, witnessing the healthcare system being mainly `sick-care’ with unnecessary added burden of pills & procedures and also not being preventive & promotive in true spirit, started delving deeper into Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) approach for Integrative health.

Soon he became a devout believer in `Food as Medicine’ and `Nutritional Medicine’ interventions which could help Prevent Illness, Preserve Wellness and Promote Fitness and went on to found Voll Sante Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd. on July 19, 2017 with a mission to integrate Food & Nutrition into healthcare.

Our Inspiration

For thousands of years, Ayurveda considersFood as Maha-Bhaishajya- themost superior medicine! Similarly, modern research finds `Nutritional medicine’ is rightly based on the principle that both macro & micro-nutrients are required for the proper functioning of all biochemical processes on which our bodies depend and in contrast to conventional medical approaches to treat symptoms by means of drugs or surgery, here the focus is on the underlying causes which being partly genetic are often tied up with nutritional factors.

We believe that plant-based nutrients and bioactive compounds are body-friendlier, have tremendous potential as natural preventive & therapeutic entities against various disease conditions, owing to multi-targeted efficacy and low toxicity and can be relished in food formats and thus can be alternative or complementary to drugs.

Our Purpose, Vision & Mission


To catalyze transformation of healthcare with focus on Preventing Illness, Preserving Wellness, Promoting Fitness in a holistic & harmonious manner for a happier world full of health & life!


To be a global `Functional Medicine’ company, admired for its innovative products and services that integrate Nutritional, Psychological & Physical therapies as an alternative and complementary approach to modern medicine in pursuit of holistic health, healing, harmony and happiness.


To integrate Food & Nutrition into healthcare through nutritional fortification of natural staple food, dietary supplements and plant-based nutraceuticals with bioactive backed by scientific evidence and actively engaging healthcare providers to recommend for disease risk reduction and delaying its progression besides complementing allopathic medicines in specified Illnesses and health conditions as well as promoting wellness & fitness with our nutrient-dense, tasty, conveniently ready to relish functional foods and nutraceuticals for Full Health, Full Life!

Message from our Founder

Dear patrons,

Well-being is supreme bliss and good health is the means to achieve all things in life आरोग्यं परमं भाग्यं स्वास्थ्यं सर्वार्थसाधनम्  but mere absence of a disease is not good health. Medicines alone cannot guarantee health. 

Despite the advent of newer modern medicines, there has been a global epidemic of diet-related chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, with 1 in every 5 deaths attributable to suboptimal diet & nutrition. Much larger number of people are on the borderline, only waiting to get full-blown disease. Do not leave it to chance. Make food your 1st line of therapy. Malnutrition in India is not just a matter of hunger & poverty; it is widely manifested as a dual burden of overnutrition in the rich and under-nutrition in the poor & rich both. Put together, Malnutrition & inappropriate use of Medicines can set in a vicious cycle of Malnutrition > Diseases > Medicines > Malnutrition & side effects. 

Everything in life can be regained- wealth, friend, wife, kingdom but not your body or health if lost. पुनर्वित्तं पुनर्मित्रं पुनर्भार्या पुनर्मही |  एतत्सर्वं पुनर्लभ्यं न शरीरं पुनः पुनः ||  Wisdom of Ayurvedic nutrition that considers Food as God, also connects it to your state of mind and thoughts: यथा अन्नं तथा मनः |                                   

What happens or is achieved depends upon how you think and feel यत् भावो – तत् भवति and therefore, it is important that the food rightly feeds your body, mind and soul.

As the way lamp actually `eats away the darkness’ and hence dies out into a black soot, we are what we eat: दीपो भक्षयते ध्वान्तं कज्जलं च प्रसूयते | यदन्नं भक्षयेन्नित्यं जायते तादृशी प्रजा || So, Eat Good, Feel Good and Do Good.

If your food is right, medicine is of no need; when your food is wrong medicine is of no use. पथ्ये सति गदार्तस्य किमौषधिनिषेवणैः । पथ्येऽसति गदार्तस्य किमौषधिनिषेवणैः ॥

We will be very happy to be your companion serving you at all stages of your holistic, harmonious healthful journey of life as you take best care of your diet, nutrition, exercise and meditation for good body, mind and soul. 

Our team at Voll Sante is devoted to your Full Health. `Voll Sante’ literally means Full Health.

Wishing you Full Health. Full Life!

Prof. SD TIwari

Our Core Team

Prof. S.D. Tiwari

Managing Director & CEO

Pradeep Srivastava

Director - Supply Chain & Logistics

G.P. Singh

Director - Strategy & Global Business

Dr. Ali Irani

Scientific Advisor, Globally renowned Physiotherapist

Aradhana Tiwari

Director : HR & CSR

Harsh Tiwari

Director : Consumer Sales & Govt. Business

Sarvesh Tiwari

Director : Healthcare & Corporate Business

Dr. Tony S. Parmar

Commercial Advisor Pharma Veteran

S.P. Singh (ex-IAS)

Legal Counsel

Shilpi Verma

GM - Regulatory & Scientific Services

Nitish Mandhar

Vice President - Sales B2B & key Accounts

Dt. Vaidehi A. Nawate

Scientific Advisor, Renowned Dietitian